Saturday, 17 July 2010


Competition Kits

Please can you return ANY Glade competition kits that you may have at home ready for use next year. This includes pink t-shirts, yellow shorts and t-shirts and football kits. Thank-you for your support in ensuring that the children have smart kit to wear each time they represent the school at a sporting event.

Key Stage 1 Gymnastic Competition

Thank-you to all the parents who put their child's name forward for the Gymnastics competition next year. As the response was very positive I will be holding trials for the names that I have. You will find out whether your child will be taking part in the competition once the trials have taken place in September. Thank-you for your support.

Mr. Merchant

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Year 6 Football Team 2010 / 2011 Announced

Football Team 2010 Announced

Congratulations to the following for making the team:

- Lewis
- Becky
- Uzzaam
- Emmanuel
- Oscar
- Jermaine
- Nathan
- Zain
- Kane
- Danyaal
- Mark
- Hayley
- Christopher
- Yaw

It was a very difficult decision. Everyone who trialled was at a very good standard. We will soon be holding interviews to select the Captain and the Deputy.

Sports Day

A big congratulations to everyone who took part in Sports Day on Monday and for the parents who came along to support.

The yellow team won with a total of 263 points, closely followed by the green and blue teams, who drew with 240 points, and then the red team with 221 points.

The sprint winners were as follows:

KS1: Imaan Jobe Ausi Abbas Dillon Shah
Mia Lawrence Carmel Agyeman Ashton Shah
James Swan Khairah Ahmed.

Overall KS1 Winner: James Swan

KS2: Danny Plunger Emma Conteh Christopher Agyeman
Kaya Reily Oscar Simpson Rohey Jobe
Matthew McFarlane Elese Obiekwe

Overall KS2 winners: Matthew McFarlane for boys and Elese Obiekwe for girls.

Nursery thoroughly enjoyed their sports day as well on Tuesday of this week.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Sports Day

Don't forget sports day on Monday!

Reception and KS1 - 9.45am

KS2 - 1.15pm

Please remember to send your child to school in their coloured top for their team and shorts/jogging bottoms with trainers.

Please could children also remember to bring a sunhat and wear suncream.

Hope to see lots of parents supporting too and possibly taking part in the parents' races at the end!

Mr. Merchant